Pu'er Tea Brew Guide
This article can help you better understand the brewing of Pu'er tea, so that you can correctly experience the taste of Pu'er.Pu'er is divided into Raw Pu'er and Ripe Pu'er. Although they both belong to Pu'er tea, their brewing methods are quite different. And Pu'er tea pays attention to the age, the better it is to drink, so be sure to moisten the tea once before drinking it to wash away the old dust.
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- Ripe Pu'er Tea
- Raw Pu'er Tea
① Ripe Pu'er Tea
1st Method: Brewing in pot
Step 1: Prepare mineral water about 95°C. Pu'er tea brewed at high temperature for better aroma.
Step 2: Warm the pot, increase the temperature of the bowl with boiling water to stimulate the aroma of the tea, and rinse the tea set by the way.
Step 3: Pour the tea, while the pot is warm, put the tea into the pot (8-10g).
Step 4: Shake the pot, shake the pot up and down twice, open the lid and smell the fragrance, and the fragrance will come to your nostrils.
Step 5: Brew, fill the water from the bottom left corner to full.
Step 6: Pour the soup,1-2 courses don't soak, pour out the soup and don't drink, as washing tea to wake up the tea flavor. (Cake tea soaks for 5s) 3-7 courses are quick brewed and quick out, 7 courses start to be soaked properly for 5-10s, 10 courses are soaked for 10-15s.The soaking time can be extended according to the color of the soup, and 10-20 courses can be brewed.
Step 7: Share the tea, evenly divide the tea soup into each tea cup.
Step 8: Taste the tea, smell the aroma, observe the color of the soup, and taste.

2nd Method: Use steaming teapot to brew

Step 1: Pour the tea, put 8-10g dry tea.
Step 2: Steam, add cold water/hot water (not more than tea), set the steaming time for 8-15min, you can add Dried tangerine peel to steam together, the flavor is better.
Step 3: Add water and cook for 4-7 times until the soup becomes clear.
② Raw Pu'er Tea

Step 1: Prepare water that stops boiling at 100°C, and brewing at high temperature can stimulate the aroma and fresh taste.
Step 2: Warm the cup, raise the temperature of the bowl with boiling water to stimulate the aroma of the tea, and rinse the tea set by the way.
Step 3: Pour the tea, while the gaiwan is warm, put the tea into.
Step 4: Shake the bowl, gently shake the bowl from side to side twice.
Step 5: Smell the fragrance, open a small mouth and smell it, the flowers are sweet and fragrant.
Step 6: Brew, pour water from a high position along the wall of the cup, and the aroma will be higher after brewing.
Step 7: Pour the soup,the taste of raw pu is leached very quickly, and the water should be poured quickly and released quickly, otherwise it is easy to produce a bitter feeling. 1-4 courses are not soaked, 5-8 courses are soaked for 5-10s. If it is cake tea,1 course soak 5s.The first course is poured out as wash.
Step 8: Share the tea, evenly divide the tea soup into each tea cup.
Step 9: Taste the tea, smell the aroma, observe the color of the soup, and taste.
产品规格: 40g/盒
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1 |
10年冰岛普洱生茶-40g |
蜜兰花香持久 | 云南冰岛村 树龄长达100年的古茶树-大叶种晒青茶 |
散装茶叶 | 10年 专业存储 |
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花香,回甘明显 | 临沧市勐库县 树龄长达100年的古茶树 云南大叶种晒青茶 |
龙珠 | 专业存储 | ||||
3 |
陈年熟普-125g |
木质香、陈香 | 云南大叶种晒青茶 | 散装茶叶 | 3年 专业存储 |
4 |
陈年熟普狗头金-125g |
醇厚的果香、陈香 | 云南大叶种晒青茶 | 茶块 | 7年专业存储 |
Lapsangstore 普洱生茶
列表 |
产品 |
采摘标准 |
干茶形状 |
等级 |
贮存 |
口感 |
1 |
云南省冰岛村老寨。用单一品种的茶叶制成。(不拼配) 一芽二三叶。 |
散茶 |
特级 |
专业存储 |
甜甜的冰糖,花香和果香。细腻顺滑,清新。不苦不涩。 |
2 | 正山茶-冰岛生普茶 50g![]() |
云南省冰岛村老寨。用单一品种的茶叶制成。(不拼配)一芽二三叶。 | 散装茶叶 | 特级 | 专业存储 | 甜美的花香和果香。细腻顺滑,清新。凉爽的口感。 |
3 |
云南省冰岛村。古茶树原料制作,存放长达10年。一芽三叶。 |
散装茶叶 |
特级 |
10年 |
先尝涩味,后尝回甘。 |
4 |
临沧市勐库县。树龄达100年的古茶树。 一芽三叶 |
龙珠 |
特级 |
专业存储 |
具有较强的刺激感,有苦甜味 |
5 |
墨香系列生普茶饼-357g |
云南临沧茶叶基地。一芽二叶。 |
茶饼 |
一级 |
具有较强的刺激感,有苦甜味 |