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About Our Jin Jun Mei

Jin Junmei has been positively received by Chinese tea enthusiasts since the date it came out.The raw materials of Zheng Shan Tang Jin Junmei are picked from the buds of high-mountain tea trees within the entirety of Wuyi Mountain National Nature Reserve.On average,about 3,400 to 4,500 buds are needed to make one ounce of Jin Junmei.

Our signature high-end black tea.Jin Junmei,is the proudest achievement by Mr. Jiang Yuanxun, our founder who integrated traditional and new tea-making techniques.

In Wuyi, China, the ranges of verdant mountains surrounded by bamboo forests,streams and springs,mean to produce the best tea in the world. We abstract the very best of nature and deposit the essence of Wuyi into a cup of tea.

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