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2024 특급 벽라춘(碧螺春) 녹차

$35.10 USD $50.00 USD
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9 reviews
2024春 50克袋装-特级

벽라춘은 중국의 유명한 녹차중 하나로 장수 쑤저우 주변의 태호에서 생산됩니다. 건차모양은 나선형과 비슷하며 백호가 가득차고 꽃향기가 풍부합니다. 

민간에서 처음에는 “혁살인향”-(사람을 겁먹게 하는 향기)로 불렸으며, 건차가 나선 모양이며 풍성한 꽃 향이 있고 입안에서 신선하고 달콤한 맛이 납니다. 강희 황제의 호감을 얻어 "벽라춘"으로 이름이 바뀌었습니다. 벽라춘은 신선하고 부드러운 차잎을 수확하며 차 털이 많으며 풍부한 아미노산과 차 폴리페놀 함유하므로 좋은 품질 형성의 물질 기반이 됩니다.

건차: 규칙적인 나선형, 백호가득

향기: 꽃향기 풍부, 과일향 약간있음

차탕: 청록

차맛: 달콤하고 청량감이 있음

잎: 차싹 모양이 포만하며 우아함


채취 및 제조시간: 4월 8일 (우전두춘차)

등급: 특급

원산지: 중국 쑤저우 태호 생산지역

리 가이드

유리잔 사용 권장

85-90℃의 물을 2/3정도 넣고 3g의 차를 넣어주세요. 2-3분정도 기다린 후 차잎이 펴지고 떨어지면 드실 수 있습니다.


시원하고 건조한환경에 보관하고 해빛도 피하는것이 중요합니다. 장시간 보관하려면 0℃이하 환경에서 보관해야 신선도를 유지가능합니다.

벽라이라고 부를까요?

벽라춘차는 이미 1000여 년의 역사를 가지고 있으며, 현지 주민들은 최초에는 “동청차”라고 불렀습니다. 또는 “놀라운 향기”라고도 불렀습니다. 옛날에 한 비구니가  산으로 여행갔을 때 차잎을 몇잎 따다가 차를 우려먹었는데 기묘한 향이 나서 '향기가 놀라워서 기절할 것 같아'라고 말했습니다. 그후로부터 현지주민들이 이차를 "놀라운 향기"로 불렀다고 합니다.  중국청나라때 강희황제가 시찰했을때 이차를 맛본 후차탕이 청록이고 나선형명차에 대해서 극찬했습니다. 하지만 이름이 우아하지 못하다고 생각하며  "벽라춘"으로 쓰게 되었습니다. 게다가 봄철에 수확되며 벽라봉에서 생산돼서 이름이 확정했습니다.

벽라춘의 품질은 어떻게 되나요?

동청벽라춘은 매우 부드럽고 연한 차잎으로 1kg의 건차에서 14000~15000개의 차잎이 포함되어 있습니다. 현재, 벽라춘은 중국 장수 쑤저우 태호 근처의 동청산에서 재배되며, 특히 동산및 서산에서 재배된 벽라춘이 최상급으로 여겨집니다. 벽라춘의 부드럽고 연한 차잎에 아미노산과 티폴리페놀이 풍부하게 함유되어 있으며, 우수한 환경조건과 고품질의 신선한 차잎원료는 벽라춘의 품질을 형성하는 물질적 기반을 제공합니다.


2024 Top Grade Biluochun Green Tea

One of the famous green teas in China, it is produced near Tai Lake太湖 in Suzhou, Jiangsu.It is renowned for its delicate appearance, fruity taste, floral aroma, showy white pekoe and cropping in early spring.

No Flavorings


No preservatives


From Taihu Lake Production Area, Suzhou, China

Biluochun is cultivated in Dongting Mountains near Lake Tai in Suzhou, Jiangsu.Biluochun from Dong Shan (East Mountain) or Xi Shan (West Mountain) is considered the best. Biluochun is also grown in Zhejiang and Sichuan province. Their leaves are larger and less uniform (may contain yellow leaves). They taste more nutty than fruity and smooth.The tender buds and leaves are rich in amino acids and tea polyphenols. Superior environmental conditions, coupled with high-quality fresh leaf raw materials, provide a material basis for the formation of the quality of Biluochun.


Brew Green Tea Perfectly for Maximum Flavor

Click it for a detailed guide on how to brew green tea


It is advisable to brew in a glass cup.
Add 2/3 of 85-90°C water, and add 3g of tea. After waiting for 2-3 minutes, the tea leaves can be stretched and dropped to drink.

Why Choose Us ?

Safety: Choosing branded tea products means that every sip of tea you drink has been tested for food safety.

Service: All your orders are shipped via DHL/SF/EMS express, we bear the customs duties

High-end: As the inventor of Jinjunmei and a company inheriting Lapsang Souchong, what we hear most from new customers is“This is definitely the best tea I’ve ever had”

Frequently asked ques tions

Biluochun tea has a history of more than 1,000 years. It was first called Dongting洞庭tea by the local folks, and it was also called"Scaring Fragrance"吓煞人香. According to legend, a nun went to the mountains for a spring outing and picked a few tea leaves. After brewing the tea, it smelled so fragrant that she blurted out, "The fragrance is so frightening", so the locals called this tea "Scaring Fragrance". According to the Qing Dynasty chronicle Ye Shi Da Guan, the Kangxi Emperor visited Lake Tai in the 38th year of his rule. At that time, because of its rich aroma, the Kangxi康熙 Emperor decided to give it a more elegant name, "Green Snail Spring". The name Biluochun literally means "green snail spring". It is called so because it is a green tea that is rolled into a tight spiral, resembling snail meat, and is cropped in early spring.

Customer Reviews

Based on 9 reviews

보송보송한 솜털도 많고 신선해요

Don't trust the international delivery

I did not even receive my package and the customer service just ghosted me and refused to give me a refund.

Hello customer, we have actively contacted the courier, but the courier reported that it could not be re-delivered because the recipient actively modified the address information, and the courier was unable to contact you by phone. We are deeply sorry for the unpleasant shopping experience.

Charlie Bogan
2024 top grade Biluochun

The tea had a good fragrance and clear was clear, not cloudy. The after taste was ruminating.

The taste is good.

The taste deserve the price. But there is many branches.

Vadym Sydoruk
Excellent quality tea

Very pleasant tea which tastes slightly nutty. Very smooth and good to keep you in a good mood )

Jung Sun Park

2023 Top Grade Biluochun(碧螺春) Green Tea 75g Tin

I like fat buds!

I smell seaweed! fresh, citrus, green!

Chen Wang
Good but not great

The tea leaves are small, curled and covered in fine white hairs, resembling snails. When brewed, it produced a light yellow-green liquor with a fragrant aroma. However, the taste of the tea is good but not that great, as compared with the one I had in Suzhou China.

Noriko Kogi

2023 Top Grade Biluochun(碧螺春) Green Tea 75g Tin