
【Tea Sampler W】Featured 5 Standard Flavor Fu Ding White Tea 10 Bags Collection 51.5g[WT00]

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2021 Top Grade Silver Needle 5g*1
2021특급 백호은침
2021 First Grade White Peony(Squeezed) 5g*3
2021일급 백모란 (긴압)
2021Top Grade Shoumei 5g*3
2021특급 수미
2018First Grade Shoumei(Squeezed) 5g*2
2018일급 수미(긴압)
2015Tangerine Peel White Tea 6.5g*1
2015진피 백차
순중량: 51.5g / 1.81온스
생산지: 중국 복건성 후뎅시 번계진
저장 방법: 상온, 그늘진 곳, 건조하고 밀폐된 곳에 보관

번계진 선포촌은 북위 27°에 위치하며, 후뎅 백차의 핵심 생산 지역으로, 국가급 역사적으로 유명한 마을입니다. 신림율은 95%에 달하며, 중아열풍 기후에 속하며 사계절이 분명합니다. 겨울에는 엄한 추위가 없고 여름에는 극한의 더위도 없습니다. 일조량과 강수량이 충분하며, 뚜렷한 산지 입체 기후를 갖추고 있으며, 전년평균 기온은 16.4도입니다. 지역 내에는 산이 우뚝 솟고 숲이 우거져 있으며, 산세가 매우 높고 물이 맑아 "후뎅의 하나의 녹색 진주"로 불립니다. 천원태 백차 고산 생태차원은 해발 600~750미터에 위치하며, 생태 환경이 우수하며, 주야 온도차이가 크고, 일년내내 구름과 안개가 둘러싸고 있습니다. 독특한 협곡형 미세기후와 생태 환경은 여기 차잎에 깊은 향기와 상큼하고 달콤한 특징을 부여합니다.

샘플러W의 원재료는 이곳에서 생산되었습니다. 저희는 정통 후뎅 대백차, 후뎅 대호차 차나무를 선택하고 전통적인 일광위조 기술을 사용하여 차의 향기를 더욱 순수하고 풍부하게 만들었습니다.

전통적인 백차 공정에 따라 제조되었습니다.

위조, 건조

보기에 간단하지만, 날씨와 차 종류에 따라서 매번 조정하여 차의 수분을 균일하게 맞추어야 합니다.

차잎의 향기와 맛이 완벽한 상태에 달합니다.

2021특급 백호은침

새싹이 건장하고, 백호로 꽉 차 있으며, 색상은 실버처럼 흰색이며, 바늘처럼 딴딴합니다.

교과서에서 나온 것 같은 백호은침,

2021년 봄에 수확되었습니다.

차호의 신선한 향기와 연분이 변화하여 만들어진 꿀향이 함께 있으며,

차탕은 상쾌하고 달콤하며, 부드럽고 촉촉합니다.

2021일급 백모란 (긴압)

춘분 때, 령대사옆에서 수확된 백모단,

풀어지면 일싹 이잎이 보입니다.

차싹이 포만하고, 백호가 뚜렷하며, 색상은 생기가 넘치는 녹색입니다.

꽃 향기가 풍부하며, 맛은 상쾌하고 달콤합니다.

작은 쿠키 모양으로 간편하게 우려낼 수 있으며, 휴대하기도 편리합니다.

2021특급 수미

수미차이지만 여전히 풍부하고 말린 싹을 찾을 수 있습니다.

차의 청향, 꿀향이 돌며,

3년의 변화로 차탕이 더욱 부드럽고

찐하지 않게 만들어냅니다.

상쾌한 느낌과 촉촉함이 완벽하게 어우러져 있습니다.

2018일급 수미(긴압)

수미백차는 5년 보관후에

대추향, 약향이 점차 나타나며, 색상도 갈색-초록에서 짙은 갈색으로 변합니다.

보다 부드럽고 달콤한 맛이 생깁니다.

수재로 차병에서 한 조각을 꺼내 차를 우려내기 딱 좋은 양으로,

모든 고객분들께 더 나은 경험을 위해 준비되었습니다.

2015진피 백차

백차에 대해서 "3년차, 5년약, 10년보"라는 속담이 있습니다.

8년의 숙성을 거쳐, 백차에 완전한 진피를 첨가했습니다.

차의 다당류와 진피의 과실향이 독특한 맛을 형성합니다.

동시에 그들의 건강 효능도 누릴 수 있습니다.

계속 생각나게 하며, 우려내거나 끓여내기 모두 좋습니다.

한 잔의 여유를 즐기든, 지인과 함께 나누어 드시든,

모두 온유함과 깊은 애정을 느낄 수 있도록 합니다.

About  ''Tea Sampler W''

Tea Origin-Fuding(福鼎), China

Chen Yuantai alpine ecological tea garden is located at an altitude of 600-750 meters. The ecological environment is superior, the temperature difference between day and night is large, and the clouds and mist are shrouded all the year round. The unique canyon-like micro-regional climate and ecological environment endow the tea here with a long, fresh and sweet characteristic. .

Xianpu Village, Fenxi Town is located at 27° north latitude. It is the core production area of Fuding White Tea. It is a national-level historical village with a forest coverage rate of 95%. It has a mid-subtropical monsoon climate with four distinct seasons. Sunlight, heat and rainfall are sufficient, and it has a more obvious mountainous three-dimensional climate, with an average annual temperature of 16.4 degrees. With undulating mountains, dense forests, ridges and peaks, clear mountains and clear waters, it is known as "a green pearl of Fuding".

The raw materials of Sampler W come from here. We choose the orthodox Fuding Dabai tea(福鼎大白茶) and Fuding Dahao tea(福鼎大毫茶) tea tree, and use the traditional sunlight withering technique to make the tea aroma more pure and fragrant.

What's Inside?

Featured 5 Flavor Fu Ding White Tea 10 Bags Collection
Net Weight: 51.5g    Place of Origin: Fuding City, Fujian Province

2021 Top Grade Silver Needle

2021 1st Grade White Peony(Squeezed) 

2021 Top Grade Shoumei

2015 Tangerine Peel White Tea

2018 1st Grade Shoumei(Squeezed)

2021 Top Grade Silver Needle

Raw material: Single bud
Year: 2021
Taste: Dry tea has fat buds, obvious pekoe, and emerald green. The tea soup is apricot yellow, clear and bright, with the fragrance of millet, honey and flowers. Sweet and refreshing, long-lasting aftertaste. The bottom of the leaf is fat and soft.

Brewing method: It is advisable to use a Gaiwan/Glass Cup for brewing, the water temperature is 90-95°C, and the amount of tea in a 150ml Gaiwan is 5g.

The surface of the pekoe silver needle is covered with a dense layer of white tea hair. Use a thin stream of water to pour slowly along the wall of the cup to infiltrate every tea. The soaking time for 1-4 should not be too long, 5-15 seconds is enough. After 5-6 soaking, it can be properly soaked for 15-30 seconds and then poured out.

2021 1st Grade White Peony(Squeezed)

Raw materials: 1 bud 2 leaves
Year: 2021
Taste: Dry tea is gray-green, with obvious pekoe and luster. The tea soup is apricot yellow, clear and bright, with a strong floral fragrance. The taste is sweet and sweet, with a long-lasting aftertaste. The bottom of the leaf stretches.

Brewing method: It is advisable to brew with a Gaiwan/purple clay pot, the water temperature is 95-100°C, and the amount of tea in a 150ml Gaiwan is 5g.

The surface of the white peony also has a thick layer of white tea hair. Brewing with boiling water can stimulate the aroma of the tea, but pay attention to the quick soup. The 1st course needs to fully infiltrate the tea, and the soup will come out 10-15 seconds after the water is poured, just pour it out and don’t drink it. The 2-4 soaking time should not be too long, and the soup will come out quickly. After 5-6 soaking, it can be properly soaked for 10-15 seconds and then poured out.

2021 Top Grade Shoumei

Raw material: 1 bud 3-4 leaves
Year: 2021
Taste: The dry tea is uniform, the tea soup is orange-yellow, the taste is mellow, sweet, with a clear aftertaste, and a fresh nectar fragrance. The bottom of the leaf is stretched and soft.

Brewing method: It is advisable to brew with a Gaiwan/purple clay pot, the water temperature is 95-100°C, and the amount of tea in a 150ml Gaiwan is 5g.

Shoumei loose tea is relatively fluffy, and the dry tea may fill the entire tureen when brewing, but it will quickly absorb water and soften after the first soaking. Therefore, the soup needs to come out immediately after the 2-5 soaking injection, soak for 5-15s after the 6 soaking , and increase the soaking time according to the number of brewing.

2018 1st Grade Shoumei-Squeezed

Raw material: 1 bud 3-4 leaves
Year: 2018
Taste: The dry tea is even and firm, the tea soup is orange-yellow, the taste is mellow and strong, and the aftertaste is obvious. Slightly jujube. The bottom of the leaf stretches, the veins are reddish, and the buds are complete and obvious.

Brewing method: It is advisable to brew with a Gaiwan/purple clay pot, the water temperature is 95-100°C, and the amount of tea in a 150ml Gaiwan is 5g.

Cake tea brewing should be fast first and then slow. After the first brew, wait for 3-5 seconds and then the soup will come out immediately. After 2-5 soaking of water injection, the soup comes out immediately, after the 6th soaking, soak for 5-15s, increase the soaking time according to the number of brewing times, and can brew more than 12 soaking. It has been aged for five years, so it can be boiled for another 2-3 minutes after brewing to release all the contents of the old white tea.

2015 Tangerine Peel White Tea

Raw material: Single bud
Year: 2021
Taste: Dry tea has fat buds, obvious pekoe, and emerald green. The tea soup is apricot yellow, clear and bright, with the fragrance of millet, honey and flowers. Sweet and refreshing, long-lasting aftertaste. The bottom of the leaf is fat and soft.

Brewing method: It is advisable to use a Gaiwan/Glass Cup for brewing, the water temperature is 90-95°C, and the amount of tea in a 150ml Gaiwan is 5g.

The surface of the pekoe silver needle is covered with a dense layer of white tea hair. Use a thin stream of water to pour slowly along the wall of the cup to infiltrate every tea. The soaking time for 1-4 soaking should not be too long, 5-15 seconds is enough. After 5-6 soaking, it can be properly soaked for 15-30 seconds and then poured out.

Customer Reviews

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H. A.
복정백차의 다양한 변주를 맛볼 수 있습니다.

차엽의 성장 정도와 긴압 여부, 3년 내지 5~6년 묵은 차에 이르기까지 다양한 종류의 백차를 마셔볼 수 있는데,각각의 특징적 차이를 관통하는 복정백차의 푸릇푸릇하고 신선한 맛이 인상적입니다.