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구기자 홍차 50g 캔

$23.00 USD
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2023년, 정산당은 녕하 지혜궁 문화산업그룹과 함께 닝샤 정산당 생물과학기술 유한책임회사를 설립했습니다. "녕하 구기자"와 정산당의 혁신적인 협력 모델을 통해, 금준미 홍차 제조 기술과 년하의 고유한 구기자 잎을 결합하여 구기자 잎 대용 홍차(줄여서 "구기자 홍차")를 개발하고, "구기자 + 홍차"의 융합 발전을 심화시켰습니다.

정산당은 "세계 홍차 발원지"인 복건성 무이산에서 출발하여, "중국 구기자의 고향" 녕하로 향했습니다. 400년간 이어온 홍차의 초심을 지키며, 년하의 고유한 구기자 잎과 손을 잡고 새로운 건강 홍차의 표본인 구기자 홍차를 탄생시켰습니다!

구기자 홍차는 녕하 현지 구기자 나무의 새싹이나 어린 잎을 원료로 하여, 위조, 유념, 발효, 건조 등 홍차 가공 공정을 참고하여 정밀하게 만들어졌습니다. 이 제품의 감각적 품질은 외형이 단단하고 검은빛이 도는 윤기, 차탕은 밝고 맑은 주황색, 향기는 달콤하고 향긋하며, 맛은 부드럽고 진하며 구기자 잎의 고유한 풍미와 홍차의 달콤함을 동시에 느낄 수 있습니다.

구기자 홍차는 혁신적인 제품으로, 고유한 재료를 선택하고 참신한 아이디어와 정교한 기술로 만들어졌으며, 건강에 이로운 효과도 더욱 연구할 가치가 있습니다. 구기자의 잎, 꽃, 열매, 뿌리는 모두 약재로 쓰이며, 녕하 농림과학원의 동물과학연구소는 구기자의 다양한 부위의 영양 성분을 비교한 결과, 구기자 잎의 플라보노이드와 다당류 함량이 구기자 열매보다 훨씬 높아 항산화, 강혈당 , 간과 신장 보호에 뛰어난 효과가 있음을 밝혔습니다. 구기자 잎에 함유된 철분은 구기자 열매보다 7배 많으며, 이는 인체 면역력을 높이는 데 도움이 됩니다.

구기자 홍차·기

구기자 홍차·기
(Medlar black tea · Medlar Leave)
녕하 현지 구기자 나무의 새싹이나 어린 잎을 원료로 하여, 위조, 유념, 발효, 건조 등의 홍차 가공 공정을 참고하여 정밀하게 만들어졌습니다.
- 순중량: 50g 캔 (Net weight: 50 G/1.76 Oz)
- 원료: 중국 녕하 구기자 잎
- 외형: 갈색과 녹색이 섞여 있으며, 검고 윤기 있음. 건차에서 과일 향, 꿀 향과 구기자 잎 향이 남
- 차탕 색상: 주황색
- 맛: 달콤하고 부드러움

구기자 홍차·정

구기자 홍차·정 (Medlar black tea · Lapsang Souchong)
녕하 회족 자치구의 구기자 잎을 채취하여 홍차 공정으로 정밀하게 가공한 후, 무이산 홍차와 혼합했습니다. 홍차의 기원인 정산소종과 녕하에서 가장 정통적인 구기자를 결합한 이 제품은 정통성과 전통을 이어받아 "정"이라는 이름을 붙였습니다. 섬세하게 음미하면 홍차의 원초적인 맛과 송연 향을 느낄 수 있습니다.
- 순중량: 50g 캔
- 원료: 중국어 녕하 구기자 잎, 정산소종 홍차
- 품질 특성:
- 외형: 검고 갈색 윤기, 약간의 녹색이며, 건차는 송연 향
- 탕색: 주황색
- 맛: 달콤하고 부드러우며, 용안 향과 송연 향이 남

구기자 홍차·조

구기자 홍차·조 (Medlar black tea · Wuyi Black Tea)
녕하 회족 자치구의 구기자 잎을 채취하여 홍차 공정으로 정밀하게 가공한 후, 무이산 홍차와 혼합했습니다. 구기자 홍차·조는 풍미 가득한 맛을 지니고 있어, 마치 푸른 산 속에 있는 듯한 상쾌함을 느낄 수 있습니다.
- 순중량: 50g 캔
- 원료: 중국 녕하 구기자 잎, 무이산 홍차
- 품질 특성:
- 외형: 검고 윤기 있음. 건차에서 과일 향, 꿀 향이 남
- 탕색: 붉은 주황색
- 맛: 달콤하고 부드러우며, 꽃향, 꿀 향, 고구 향그리고 구기자 잎 향이 남
How to brew

This Article can help better know the Black Tea Brewing. Hope you could like it.

Any questions, please email me: or message lapsangstore on instgram.

Black Tea:  

Tea Amount: 3-5 Grams. Can be added/decreased by your taste.

Tea Set: Gaiwan(盖碗) Better. Or any cups (better with infuser lid)

Water Temperature: 98-100°C


1st: Boil the water, use the boiling water to warm the empty tea cup and Gaiwan(盖碗).

2nd: Pour the boiling water out.

3rd: Putting the tea leaves in Gaiwan(盖碗), shake it, smell the fragrance of dried tea in warm place.

Putting the tea leaves in cup (if you don’t have the Gaiwan).

After the above steps, if cost time, water may lower the 90°C, boil the water again.

4th: Pour boiling water along the wall of the Gaiwan(盖碗). 80 percent full at most.

The more brewing times, the more steeping time. It depends on the quality of the tea and tea lover’s taste.

5th: After steeping, pouring the tea water into tasting cup(品茗). Pour the boil water into the Gaiwan for next brewing…

Tips: Without Gaiwan(盖碗). Please attention to the steeping time in water, too long will not excite the full taste value of black tea:-)


Frequent Asked Questions.

Q: What is Gaiwan?

A: Tradition China Tea Set, can easily control the tea sitting time in boiling water.


Q: Why Gaiwan is better? If use normal cups, what difference?

In China, tea set can be divided into three main parts. Porcelain Gaiwan(瓷盖碗), Glass Cup, Purple Clay Teapot.

Porcelain Gaiwan(瓷盖碗), dissipate the heat faster, shorter the brewing time, can maximize release the fragrance and taste of the tea. Most suitable for brew Black Tea, White tea and Oolong Tea.

Glass Cup(玻璃杯), suitable for viewing the tea leaves, normal brewing time between Porcelain Gaiwan and Purple Clay Teapot. Most suitable for brew the Green Tea.

Purple Clay Teapot, longer brewing time than above two. Most suitable for brew Pu’er.

You might wonder, why Purple Clay Teapot can make tea more mellow and smooth.

Answer is:

Because purple sand is a porous material with good air permeability, it will absorb tea juice, so brewing the same tea tea soup multiple times will make it richer and softer.

In addition, for daily convenient drinking, black tea and green tea can be directly put in the cup and drink.

By your flavor, 2-3 Gram tea with boiling water its ok!


Q: Why Tea from Zheng Shan Tang should use 100°C water to brew?

A: First, pure water is suitable for brewing the tea leaves. Using 100-degree temperature, can make tea water more bright, fragrant, not sour. Also by using this way, can easily judge whether its high mountain tea.


Q: How to correctly brew the best taste of Jin Jun Mei?

Same as normal brewing, better using the Gaiwan.

From first to third brewing, when pouring the water, keep the tea leaves not to sit more than 5s in water.

From 4th to 6th brewing, sit 5-10s in water.

Afte 6th, longer the time.

This Black Tea can brew for more than 12 times. View the gold brilliant tea soup, freshness taste. Sweety and fragrance:-)


Rock Tea:  

Tea set: 150ml Tea Tureen (Gaiwan) or Purple Clay

100℃ Hot Water for usage.

1st Step:Warm the Cup-Raise the temperature, suitable for shake the cup and smell the dried tea fragrance.

2nd Step: Put in 8-10 Gram Teas.

(Due to the different size tea set, the ratio of tea to water is controlled at about 1:20 its ok. Or add by one’s flavor)

Brewing: 100℃ mineral water is suitable. First four times brewing for short time. Gradually longer the time when after four times.

Pour the soup into the Sharing Cup, rock tea mainly red bright color with fragrant strong taste.

Taste: Pour the soup from sharing cup to each tasting cup. Suitable with seven points full.


Green Tea:  

Tea set:150ml Glass Cup or Tea Tureen (Gaiwan).

100℃ Hot Water.

1st Step: Warm the Cup-Raise the temperature, suitable for shake the cup and smell the dried tea fragrance.

2nd Step: Put in 3 Gram Teas.

(Due to the different size tea set, the ratio of tea to water is controlled at about 1:50 its ok. Or add by one’s flavor)

Brewing: 85-90℃ Pure water is suitable, adding hot water smoothly. Steeping tea leaves for about 30-60s.

Tasting: Drink when the temperature is right, green tea soup green and refreshing, add water after drinking, can be added for over 3 times.


White Tea:  

Tea set: 150ml Tea Tureen (Gaiwan) or Purple Clay.

100℃ Hot Water for usage.

1st Step:Warm the Cup-Raise the temperature, suitable for shake the cup and smell the dried tea fragrance.

2nd Step: Put in 5 Gram Teas.

(Due to the different size tea set, the ratio of tea to water is controlled at about 1:30 its ok. Or add by one’s flavor)

Brewing: 95℃ Pure water is suitable, adding hot water smoothly. Steeping tea leaves for about 10s, add 5 seconds for further times of brewing.

(If Taste Tea Cake, don’t drink the first-time brewing, make the first brewing as the washing)

First four times brewing for short time. Gradually longer the time when after four times.

Pour the soup into the Sharing Cup fast passing tea leak, white tea usually has light apricot yellow and translucent soup.

Taste: Pour the soup from sharing cup to each tasting cup. Suitable with seven points full.

Customer Reviews

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The creation of Junmei black tea is the pinnacle of creation


Brand classic

Founded by Jinjunmei
the treasure of the store


The environment cannot be copied

Compound floral and fruity honey fragrance


Rare buds

Picked once a yearPick only young shoots


JinJunmei craftsmanship

Fresh aroma glycolInheritance and innovation

Our signature high-end black tea.Jin Junmei,is the proudest achievement by Mr. Jiang Yuanxun, our founder who integrated traditional and new tea-making techniques.


The birthplace of Lapsang Souchong, the origin of the world's black tea

In Wuyi, China, the ranges of verdant mountains surrounded by bamboo forests,streams and springs,mean to produce the best tea in the world. We abstract the very best of nature and deposit the essence of Wuyi into a cup of tea.

400 years of inherited skills

In 2005,through conjoining traditional techniques and technological innovations,Mr. Jiang and his team created our signature black tea, Jin Junmei.
During the making of Jin Junmei, Zheng Shan Tang was able to revolutionize traditional black tea making techniques by improving taste evaluation process and training professional tea makers.

Dry Tea

 Symmetry and tight; gold alternating with black and black in the majority.


Golden, transparent, clear,with golden circle.

金骏眉干茶茶汤叶底 (2).jpg__PID:03c5aa77-cac8-467c-87a4-9514ba32c8cb

Wet Tea

Bright, unfolded, fresh and bronzed.

Jin Junmei's 12-course tea soup is still golden and bright


 Production Process


Brew Black Tea Perfectly for Maximum Flavor

More detailed brewing guide 

1.Add 5g of tea after warming the cup and smell the tea aroma
2.Prepare pure water around 90°C.
3.1-4 course rush out, do not soak for a long time.5-7 courses soak for 5-10s, 7-10 courses about 15s.
The more times of brewing, the longer the soaking time, in order to ensure the stability of the tea soup.

Classic Tinplate Can with 50g/100g Teas

1. Good sealing, avoid light, moisture and odor
2. Can body is rigid to prevent shipping damage
3. Environmentally friendly and easy to recycle
4. The packaging has been used for 15 years, with simple feelings
5. Six anti-counterfeiting logo designs: embossing on the bottom of the can, gravure on the top of the can, label of origin and QR code label on the aluminum film, geographical indication on the side, "Jiang Yuanxun" Seal and "Zhengshan Successor" seal design, can bottom ice crack


Why Choose Us ?

Safety: Choosing branded tea products means that every sip of tea you drink has been tested for food safety.
Service: All your orders are shipped via DHL/SF/EMS express, we bear the customs duties
High-end: As the inventor of Jinjunmei and a company inheriting Lapsang Souchong, what we hear most from new customers is“This is definitely the best tea I’ve ever had”

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