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「元正」紅茶・ローヤル ブラクティ スモーク型 正山小種(ラプサンスーチョン)

$35.00 USD
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이 차는 무이산 국가급 자연보호구 800m 이상 해발고도에서 수확되며 가장 정통하고 전통적인 정산소종 전통공예로 제작됐습니다. 훈연향과 송연향 모두 있습니다. 정산소종 24대 계승자인 장원훈이사님은 훈연향소종을 제작하는 것은 경제적인 이익이 매우 낮은데도 불구하고 차공장에서 매년에 한번 가장 정통한 정산소종 홍차를 만들기 위해 노력하고 있습니다. 이는 더 많은 사람들이 400년 전의 정산소종 홍차 맛을 느낄 수 있도록 하는 것입니다.

이 차는 예전의 매우 짙은 훈연향은 아니지만, 매우 순정한 송연향이 있어 훈연향소종을 처음 마시는 사람들도 받아들일 수 있습니다. 우린후 차탕은 주황색이며 맛은 부드럽고 건용안향이 있습니다.


중량: 50 g

유형: 홍차

채취기준: 일싹 삼잎, 일싹 사잎

생산지: 우의산 동목관

건차: 검고 쫀쫀함

차탕: 맑은 주황색

향기: 뚜렷한 송연향

맛: 부드럽고 달콤한 용안맛

엽저: 밝고 유연하고 고동색

보관 방법: 건초하고 냄새가 없고 그늘진 곳에서 밀봉하여 상온보관

우려 가이드

뚜껑이 있는 차잔 사용권장

  1. 컵을따뜻하게 한후에5g의 차를 넣고 차향을 맡습니다.
  2. 약90℃의 물을넣고 우려냅니다.
  3. 1-4번째는빠르게우려내고5-7번째는 5-10초씩 담급니다. 7-10번째는 약 15초씩 담그고 우려내는 횟수가 많을수록 담그는 시간도 길어져야 차의 맛을 안정시킬 수 있습니다.

왜 왕실홍차라고 부를까요?

정산소종은 무이산 동목관에서 기원되며 그 후 네덜란드인들이 유럽으로 가져갔습니다. 처음에는 가격이 비싸서 영국 내에서는 왕실만 소비가능했습니다. 영국 여왕 캐서린이 정산소종을 특히 좋아하여 영국 귀족들도 정산소종 홍차를 즐기기 시작했습니다. 정산소종의 역사는 오랜 세월이 지난 후에도 이어지며, 저희들도 이를 계승하고자 하여 예전 왕실시대 인기를 되살리고자 했습니다. 그래서 왕실홍차라는 이름을 지었습니다. 이는 정산소종의 귀족적인 신분을 상징하기도 합니다. "원정"은 저희 회사의 등록 상표이며, 중국에서 유명한 상표입니다. 따라서 이를 결합하여 "원정 왕실홍차" 라고 부릅니다.

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Lapsang Souchong Black Tea


Carry forward the classics
Taste of the mountains


The birthplace of black tea in the world
The birthplace of Lapsang Souchong


Picked once a year


Smoke process
Pine smoke and longan flavor

ZhengShanTang Lapsang Souchong is picked from the natural of 800 meters in Wuyi Mountain National Nature Reserve, which is maded with the traditional handicraft of Zheng Shan Tang Souchong black tea(Light pine smoke aroma)

Lapsang Souchong black tea was launched in 1568, with a mellow and fragrant aroma and a sweet aftertaste.It has the traditional smoky and rich pine smoke aroma of Lapsang Souchong.It is the refinement of traditional craftsmanship and a gift from nature.


 Growth Environment


The birthplace of Lapsang Souchong, the origin of the world's black tea

In Wuyi, China, the ranges of verdant mountains surrounded by bamboo forests,streams and springs,mean to produce the best tea in the world. We abstract the very best of nature and deposit the essence of Wuyi into a cup of tea.

400 years of inherited skills

On the basis of inheriting more than 400 years of Lapsang Souchong black tea culture and production techniques
Made from 1 bud and 2 leaves of the alpine small-leaf tea tree, and smokedCreate the true flavor of Lapsang Souchong

本色干茶茶汤叶底 (5).jpg__PID:5d381055-ea63-462b-ab4d-69cc12930ff1

Dry Tea

Sharp and thin

本色干茶茶汤叶底 (13).jpg__PID:1055ea63-062b-4b4d-a9cc-12930ff19eb6


Yellow and clean

本色干茶茶汤叶底 (7).jpg__PID:381055ea-6306-4bab-8d69-cc12930ff19e


Leaves stretch and coppery color

 Production Process


Tasting of Lapsang Souchong


Lapsang Souchong
Grade: Top Grade
Picking Standard: 1 bud 2 leaves
Taste: Light pine smoke aroma/Dried longan aroma/Floral fragrance
Degree of smoke:⭐⭐

本色-新款礼盒 (9).jpg__PID:941a34b6-63e4-433a-b22a-ca09aad1665c

BenSe Lapsang Souchong
Grade: Top Grade
Picking Standard: 1 bud 2-3 leaves
Taste: Pine smoke aroma/Dried longan aroma

Degree of smoke:⭐⭐⭐

皇家红茶 (5).jpg__PID:a0e5c57d-287e-4e3d-af21-e39042760c0d

Royal Lapsang Souchong
Grade: Top Grade
Picking Standard: 1 bud 3-4 leaves(Chopped)
Taste:Obvious pine smoke aroma/Dried longan aroma
Degree of smoke:⭐⭐⭐⭐


8310 Traditional Souchong
Grade: 3rd Grade
Picking Standard: 1 bud 3-4 leaves(Chopped)
Taste: Strong pine smoke

Degree of smoke:⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐


Royal Lapsang Souchong
Grade: 3rd Grade
Picking Standard: 1 bud 3-4 leaves(Chopped)
Taste: Obvious pine smoke

Degree of smoke:⭐⭐⭐⭐


Sea River Smoked Lapsang Souchong Gift Box
Grade: Top Grade
Picking Standard: 1 bud 3-4 leaves Taste: Pine smoke aroma/Dried longan aroma
Degree of smoke:⭐⭐⭐


Brew Black Tea Perfectly for Maximum Flavor

More detailed brewing guide 

1.Add 5g of tea after warming the cup and smell the tea aroma
2.Prepare pure water around 90°C.
3.1-4 course rush out, do not soak for a long time.5-7 courses soak for 5-10s, 7-10 courses about 15s.
The more times of brewing, the longer the soaking time, in order to ensure the stability of the tea soup.

Classic Tinplate Can with 50g/100g Teas

1. Good sealing, avoid light, moisture and odor
2. Can body is rigid to prevent shipping damage
3. Environmentally friendly and easy to recycle
4. The packaging has been used for 15 years, with simple feelings
5. Six anti-counterfeiting logo designs: embossing on the bottom of the can, gravure on the top of the can, label of origin and QR code label on the aluminum film, geographical indication on the side, "Jiang Yuanxun" Seal and "Zhengshan Successor" seal design, can bottom ice crack


Why Choose Us ?

Safety: Choosing branded tea products means that every sip of tea you drink has been tested for food safety.
Service: All your orders are shipped via DHL/SF/EMS express, we bear the customs duties
High-end: As the inventor of Jinjunmei and a company inheriting Lapsang Souchong, what we hear most from new customers is“This is definitely the best tea I’ve ever had”

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