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「元正」紅茶・ローヤル ブラクティ スモーク型 正山小種(ラプサンスーチョン)

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3 reviews
50g/1.76oz Lapsang Souchong -3rd Grade
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이 차는 무이산 국가급 자연보호구 800m 이상 해발고도에서 수확되며 가장 정통하고 전통적인 정산소종 전통공예로 제작됐습니다. 훈연향과 송연향 모두 있습니다. 정산소종 24대 계승자인 장원훈이사님은 훈연향소종을 제작하는 것은 경제적인 이익이 매우 낮은데도 불구하고 차공장에서 매년에 한번 가장 정통한 정산소종 홍차를 만들기 위해 노력하고 있습니다. 이는 더 많은 사람들이 400년 전의 정산소종 홍차 맛을 느낄 수 있도록 하는 것입니다.

이 차는 예전의 매우 짙은 훈연향은 아니지만, 매우 순정한 송연향이 있어 훈연향소종을 처음 마시는 사람들도 받아들일 수 있습니다. 우린후 차탕은 주황색이며 맛은 부드럽고 건용안향이 있습니다.


중량: 50 g

유형: 홍차

채취기준: 일싹 삼잎, 일싹 사잎

생산지: 우의산 동목관

건차: 검고 쫀쫀함

차탕: 맑은 주황색

향기: 뚜렷한 송연향

맛: 부드럽고 달콤한 용안맛

엽저: 밝고 유연하고 고동색

보관 방법: 건초하고 냄새가 없고 그늘진 곳에서 밀봉하여 상온보관

우려 가이드

뚜껑이 있는 차잔 사용권장

  1. 컵을따뜻하게 한후에5g의 차를 넣고 차향을 맡습니다.
  2. 약90℃의 물을넣고 우려냅니다.
  3. 1-4번째는빠르게우려내고5-7번째는 5-10초씩 담급니다. 7-10번째는 약 15초씩 담그고 우려내는 횟수가 많을수록 담그는 시간도 길어져야 차의 맛을 안정시킬 수 있습니다.

왜 왕실홍차라고 부를까요?

정산소종은 무이산 동목관에서 기원되며 그 후 네덜란드인들이 유럽으로 가져갔습니다. 처음에는 가격이 비싸서 영국 내에서는 왕실만 소비가능했습니다. 영국 여왕 캐서린이 정산소종을 특히 좋아하여 영국 귀족들도 정산소종 홍차를 즐기기 시작했습니다. 정산소종의 역사는 오랜 세월이 지난 후에도 이어지며, 저희들도 이를 계승하고자 하여 예전 왕실시대 인기를 되살리고자 했습니다. 그래서 왕실홍차라는 이름을 지었습니다. 이는 정산소종의 귀족적인 신분을 상징하기도 합니다. "원정"은 저희 회사의 등록 상표이며, 중국에서 유명한 상표입니다. 따라서 이를 결합하여 "원정 왕실홍차" 라고 부릅니다.

Customer Reviews

Based on 3 reviews
giacomo cova

Really fantastic tea and yummy as I imagined it also the packaging is beautiful. Really superior quality tea!!



Smelly tea

I’ve never had 正山小种红茶 smell likes some kind of Chinese herbal medicine, but this one does. After one tried, I wish I could return it or exchange it to something else!

Hello, this black tea is a special release by Zhengshan Tang, a heritage company for Lapsang Souchong tea, as the taste of traditional black tea. It’s crafted using pine wood smoking, resulting in a subtle pine smoke aroma. If you prefer an innovatively crafted Lapsang Souchong tea, we recommend trying this particular variety
( It has a floral and honeyed fragrance, with a pleasantly sweet and smooth flavor. We'll prepare a complimentary tin for you. We hope you enjoy it.

All what you should know about
- lapsang souchong black tea -


-Born and history

BLapsang Souchong black tea was invented in 1568 and has a history of more than 400 years. Lapsang Souchong is the originator of black tea in the world. Keemun black tea, Assam black tea, Darjeeling black tea, Ceylon Highlands black tea and other world black teas are all derived from Lapsang Souchong black tea.


The birthplace of Lapsang Souchong black tea is Jiangdun and Miaowan Natural Village, 5 kilometers northeast of Tongmu Village, Xingcun Town, Wuyishan City (formerly Chong'an County). Mr. Zhang Tianfu, a leading figure in the contemporary tea industry, once wrote an inscription for Miaowan, "The Origin of Lapsang Souchong." Jiang Dun is named after the family name Jiang. The Jiang family has been engaged in tea business for generations and is known as the "tea family".


Tongmu Village, Xingcun Town, Wuyishan City (formerly Chong'an County


The Origin of Lapsang Souchong

In 1604 AD, Dutch businessmen brought "Lapsang Souchong" black tea to Europe. Black tea went abroad for the first time, and later gradually became popular all over the world.

-The spread of black tea

SLapsang Souchong black tea was invented in 1568 and has a history of more than 400 years. Lapsang Souchong is the originator of black tea in the world. Keemun black tea, Assam black tea, Darjeeling black tea, Ceylon Highlands black tea and other world black teas are all derived from Lapsang Souchong black tea.



In 1604, Dutch merchants brought "Lapsang Souchong" black tea into Europe, and black tea went abroad for the first time.


In 1662, Princess Catherine of Portugal married King Charles II of England, and Lapsang Souchong black tea was included in her dowry. Later, Queen Anne advocated replacing wine with tea and introduced tea into the upper class, which gradually evolved into "afternoon tea".Later, black tea was sold overseas in large quantities, and Lapsang Souchong black tea from Wuyi Mountain in China was loved by people all over the world and changed the world pattern.


After 1684, Wuyi black tea began to be exported directly from Xiamen port.


In 1745, the East India Company's large ocean-going merchant ship Gothenburg arrived in China for trade, but hit a rock and sank on the way back. The sunken ship was salvaged to sea after more than 100 years, and Wuyi BOHEA (Lapsang Souchong) accounted for a considerable amount on the manifest.


In 1745, the East India Company's large ocean-going merchant ship Gothenburg arrived in China for trade, but hit a rock and sank on the way back. The sunken ship was salvaged to sea after more than 100 years, and Wuyi BOHEA (Lapsang Souchong) accounted for a considerable amount on the manifest.


In 1773, the "Boston Tea Party" was the fuse of the American War of Independence, and it was the Lapsang Souchong black tea that was transported from China to North America by the East India Company.


In 1840, the export of Wuyi black tea brought huge wealth to the Qing government. In order to balance the trade deficit, Britain exported opium to China. Lin Zexu destroyed opium in Humen city, triggering the first Opium War.


In 1876, Yu Ganchen, who served as the county magistrate in Chong'an County, Fujian Province, returned to his hometown and brought back Fujian's "Lapsang Souchong" black tea production method. He set up a local black tea factory and successfully trial-produced it, and Keemun black tea was born. Subsequently, all parts of China also followed the Lapsang Souchong technique, and gradually developed Dianhong(Yunnan black tea), Fujian black tea and other local Gongfu black teas.

-Afternoon tea culture

AAlthough black tea is originally from China, it has gained greater popularity abroad, especially in the United Kingdom. Since the British came into contact with black tea in the 17th century, an elegant black tea culture has gradually developed over the past 300 years and has become the mainstream of the world's black tea culture.

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The production area of Lapsang Souchong

Lapsang Souchong Black Tea is grown in Wuyishan National Nature Reserve, the birthplace of black tea in the world and a double heritage of world culture and nature. According to the "Chinese Tea Classics", the "Lapsang" of Lapsang Souchong indicates the true meaning of "produced in high mountain areas", and its coverage "centers on Miaowan and Jiangdun Natural Villages in Tongmu Village, Wuyi Mountain, and north To Jiangxi Yanshan Shilong, south to Caodun Baiyeping, Wuyi Mountain, east to Da'an Village, Wuyi Mountain, west to Guangsiqiangan Pit, southwest to Shaowu Longhu Guanyin Pit, covering an area of about 600 square kilometers.It has rich vegetation, high mountains and deep valleys, fertile soil, far away from pollution, and maintains a complete subtropical evergreen broad-leaved forest ecosystem. The unique natural conditions are conducive to the growth of tea trees and ensure the superiority of tea raw materials.


1500 meters/altitude: The average altitude of tea mountains is 800-1500 meters. Due to the high altitude, the temperature difference between day and night is large, which is very conducive to the growth of tea trees.

It belongs to the subtropical monsoon humid climate, with an annual average temperature of about 18°C. There are many nitrogen-containing compounds such as amino acids and proteins produced and accumulated in the tea tree.

2000 mm/precipitation:
The annual precipitation is above 2000 mm, which is the area with the most precipitation in Fujian Province. The tea has good tenderness, high quality, and can avoid freezing damage.

85%/relative humidity: The annual relative humidity is as high as 85%, the foggy days are more than 100 days, the high mountains are filled with clouds and fog, and the air humidity is high.

It belongs to mountain yellow soil and mountain yellow red soil, with a PH value of 4.5-5 and a soil layer thickness of 30-90 cm. The soil in this area is loose and the soil has high natural fertility, so there is no need to apply chemical fertilizers.

96.3%/Forest coverage rate:
With a forest coverage rate of 96.3% and a complete ecosystem, it has formed a complete and coordinated biological chain and built a "natural protective screen" for the growth of tea trees.

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-The Craftmanshipof Lapsang Souchong

1. Picking

You must choose the older small-leaf tea trees in the protected area, and pick one bud and two or three leaves. The best time is to pick a sunny day from Lixia to Earbud (Traditional Chinese solar terms, at the beginning of May).


2. Withering

During the tea making season in the Tongmuguan area, there is more rain and less sunny days. Generally, indoor heating and withering is carried out in the "Qinglou"(The cyan building) of the primary tea factory.


3. Rolling

In the early stages of kneading, manual kneading is often used until the tea sticks are tightly rolled and the tea juice overflows. Now they are all carried out by kneading machine.


4. Fermentation

Using the method of hot fermentation, put the moderately twisted tea base in a bamboo basket and cover it with a thick cloth. The tea leaves are fermented under the action of their own enzymes, and the green tea changes color into yellow-red with a leisurely fragrance.


5. Stir fry in a heated pot

This is a unique process of Souchong black tea. When the temperature of the iron pot reaches the required temperature, put in the fermented leaves and stir fry with both hands. The role of the red pot is to inactivate the enzyme, so as to keep the aroma of souchong black tea pure and sweet, the tea soup is red and bright, and the taste is strong.


6. Re-rolling

The tea after being fried in a pan must be re-kneaded to shrink the loosened tea sticks.


7. Smoking with a flame of branches

Shake the re-kneaded tea on the bamboo sieve, put it on the bottom hanger of the "brothel", burn pine firewood in the outdoor stove, let the hot air flow into the bottom of the "Qinglou", and the tea is in the process of drying The continuous absorption of rosin makes Souchong black tea have a unique aroma of rosin.


The above withering-kneading-fermentation-passing in a red pot-re-kneading-smoking and roasting are the traditional production techniques of Lapsang Souchong, and they all need to be completed in traditional “Qinglou".

The Quality of LapsangSouchong

Due to the unique growing environment and unique traditional production process, Lapsang Souchong black tea has a unique aroma of pine smoke and longan, and its quality characteristics are unique.


The cord is strong and tightly knotted, the color is black and oily, and the dry smell has a special fragrance of pine smoke and dried

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Tea infusion color

Orange red, bright and clear; resistant to brewing, various characteristics are still obvious after four or five brews.



Mellow, smooth and refreshing, neither bitter nor astringent, with a long-lasting aftertaste, suitable for directly drinking or with sugar and milk;

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Leaf after brew

Soft, bronze in color

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Storage resistance

Under normal temperature conditions, the quality can remain unchanged for three to five years or even longer, the taste will be more mellow, and the pine fragrance will be more pure and refreshing.


-Qinglou, a centuries-old tea-making wooden building

Brothel is an ancient wooden building used for processing tea material. It has a history of nearly a hundred years in Tongmu village, Wuyi Mountain. The Qinglou is divided into three and a half floors, and the bottom half is used to burn masson pine wood to transfer heat and pine smoke. The first floor is the roasting room. The fermented tea leaves are placed on a round bamboo sieve, and then inserted into the baking rack for smoking and roasting. On the second floor, the temperature of the Qinglou can be adjusted by opening and closing the door; on the third floor, the residual temperature is used to wither fresh leaves. During the tea-making season, Paulownia is always filled with a scent of pine smoke.


-How does Lapsang Souchong's rosin incense form?

Masson pine wood is an essential raw material for traditional Lapsang Souchong tea making. Carefully smoked in the tea-making brothel of Tongmuguan in Wuyi Mountain, the Lapsang Souchong tea base absorbs rosin continuously during the process of withering and drying, which makes Lapsang Souchong black tea have a strong and unique aroma of rosin and longan.