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茶是世界三大饮料之一,并被誉为 21 世纪的饮料,这既是因为茶文化的源远流长,更因为茶是一种天然的饮料,对人体具有营养价值和保健功效。研究表明,茶叶中含有大量的生物活性成分,包括茶多酚、茶色素、氨基酸、茶多糖、茶皂素、生物碱等多种有效成分,这些物质对茶叶的色香味有怎样的影响呢?它们各自又有什么功效呢?我们今天就来一一揭晓。











我们先来看茶黄素,茶黄素是红茶滋味和汤色的主要品质成分,对红茶的色、香、味及品质 都起着重要作用。茶黄素是红茶汤色“亮”的主要成分,是茶叶滋味强度和鲜度的重要成分, 同时也是形成茶汤“金圈”的主要物质。茶黄素的含量越高呢,鲜爽度越高,汤色的明亮度 越好,呈金黄色,含量越低呢,茶汤汤色越深暗。 茶红素,呈深红色,刺激性比较弱,滋味主要是甜醇,通常认为茶红素的含量太高有损茶叶 的品质,使滋味淡泊,汤色变暗。


































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七夕--一起饮茶去啦! - Lapsangstore


纤云弄巧,飞星传恨。 又是一年七夕。 农历七月七日,穿着新衣的少女要在庭院中向织女星乞求智巧,希望能得到心灵手巧的手艺。那么,茶与七夕又有何关联呢?明朝《七修类稿》记载:“种茶下子,不可移植,移植则不复生也…” 古人认为茶树“不可移植”,象征着爱情“坚贞不渝”…
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好茶秘籍——桐木的生态环境 - Lapsangstore


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喝茶为什么要准备茶点? - Lapsangstore


“茶果”一词,最早出现于《晋书》,其中提到:“恒温为扬州牧,性俭,每宴饮,唯下七奠拌茶果而已。”由此可见,“七奠”可以算是早期的茶食。不过晋时茶食和茶宴的概念是同时出现的,筵席上的食物都可以算是广义上的茶食。 为什么喝茶要备茶点,其实和茶点发展的起源有很大关系…
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从山间到人间——一盏茶的保健功效 - Lapsangstore


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夏——天这么热,到底能不能喝红茶? - Lapsangstore


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买回去的茶不好喝?——茶叶贮藏的学问 - Lapsangstore


通常茶叶贮藏分为两种:不发酵茶和发酵茶。不发酵茶如绿茶、清香型铁观音,需要密封放入0℃以下的冰箱中,且与其他食物分开存放、并建议尽快饮用。发酵茶如红茶、乌龙茶、普洱茶等只需要常温、干燥、避光、密封、无异味即可。 但这究竟是为什么呢? 其实这跟茶叶的特性有关…
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Lapsang souchong-The international China Black Tea

Lapsang souchong-The international China Black Tea

The Lapsang Souchong is the first black tea in the world history. Originated from the Tongmu Pass in Wuyi Mountains, it has 400 years of history. Lapsang Souchong was called Bohea in Europe in early times. “Bohea” is the pronunciation in Minan dialect for Wuyi Mountainswhich according to the Family Pedigree of jiang, was born in around 1568 AD (Middle and Late Ming Dynasty). Keemun Black TeaAssam Black TeaDarjeeling Black TeaCeylon Highland Black Tea and other black teas in the world are originated from the Lapsang Souchong.

In 1662King Charles ll of England married the Portuguese princess Catherine who brought with her, as part of her dowry, a small chest of tea to the British Royal Family. As the new queenCatherine began to substituted wine with tea and introduced black tea to the upper class. Since then, from top to downAfternoon Tea swept the country till now.

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5 Acres of Wild Tea Forest Get Me Out Of Poverty

On August 18, Enshi Daily reported the story of Wang Shijie, a poor household in Badong County, who got out of poverty due to tea. The following is the oral content, and the full text is reproduced as follows: 

Original newspaper digital view link:

At 6 o'clock in the morning on August 11, I drove a tricycle to my hometown 7 kilometers away and weed 0.6 Acres of konjac field.

It takes less than 10 days to weed and fertilize every year. With a bumper harvest in three years, 4 Mu of konjac can earn 30,000 yuan.

My name is Wang Shijie, and I am a poor household with a registered card. In 2018, our family of four moved from the hillside of Xiaoshennongjia Village, Yanduhe Township, Badong County to a resettlement site under the mountain. We lived in a new house of 100 square meters with three bedrooms and two living rooms without paying a cent. The front door is connected by a cement road and it is only 10 minutes away from the village clinic.

Badong County↑

I was born in the 1950s. I had eaten grass roots and leaves, and lived with my parents in thatched sheds. When i was 29, married and started a family. Carried thin stone slabs from the river valley to build a house. I could only carry it once a day, and it took six months to build a wedding house.

My wife Li Changying and I cultivate 1.67 acres of land, feed five or six pigs a year, and raise one child and one daughter. After a year of hardship, there was no savings.

In 2019, a piece of "pie" hit us: wild tea can sell for money! My family has 5 acres of mountain forest, and the forest is full of wild tea trees.

Badong County↑

In March 2019, Fujian Zhengshantang Tea Company came to Badong to develop the "Badong Red" series of black tea. The village party secretary Wang Shi first knew that wild tea from Xiaoshennongjia was a treasure, and that the original wild tea was a high-quality raw material for making black tea.

After Wang Shixian buildinging connection, Zhengshantang Tea Company came to the village to inspect the wild tea forest. Collect fresh leaf samples, after testing, they contain selenium, green and pollution-free.

After getting the wild tea test report, Wang Shixian was as happy as he had won the prize. He led the villagers into the mountains, counted wild tea trees, and found out a total of 200 acres of wild tea forests. At the same time, the villagers were organized to protect and manage the tea trees, and set the rules: no cut down thick trees, no fertilizer, clean the weeds around the tea trees, and shade the branches.

Badong Villagers Picking Tea ↑

In less than two months, the villagers began to pick wild tea. My wife and I collected 200 kilograms of fresh leaves in 10 days and sold them for 12,000 yuan.

The 78 relocation households in the village all went to their own mountain forests to pick wild tea, and the average household income increased by nearly 8,000 yuan. Wang Shixian worked as both a technician and purchaser, and the fresh leaves were transported into the tea workshop of Zhengshantang Tea Company.

This year's spring tea picking season, my wife and I brought dry food and teapots, and went into the mountains in the dark. We picked 270 kg of fresh leaves in half a month, and 17,000 yuan was put in our pockets. With 5 acres of nearly 3,000 wild tea trees, I became a big wild tea farmer in the village, and I can no longer hinder the village’s well-off.

At a mass meeting in the village not long ago, Wang Shi first broke the good news: the wild tea in the village was crowned with the name "Zhengshantang Badong Red Xiao Shennongjia Wild Tea", and won the prize in the 2019 World Black Tea Product Quality Selection Activity Product quality gold medal, only two black teas in the province won the gold medal. This is a gift from nature to Xiao Shennongjia Village, and it is also our confidence to take off the poor hat.

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Which kind of tea should i drink for health?

Which kind of tea should i drink for health?

Since ancient times

China has a tradition of drinking tea for health

There are hundreds of kinds of tea

Drinking tea.

According to personal preference

It also depends on individual physique

Conform to the four seasons and seasons

In order to achieve the purpose of health preservation

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that human physique can be divided into dryness and heat, as well as deficiency and coldness, while tea leaves can also be divided into coldness and warmness after different processing techniques.

Generally speaking, green tea, white tea, yellow tea, and lightly fermented oolong tea belong to herbal teas; heavily fermented oolong tea belongs to neutral tea, while black tea and dark tea belong to warm tea. Therefore, the physique is different, the tea nature is different, and tea drinking is also particular.

The herbal tea, represented by green tea, has a certain irritation to the stomach, and is suitable for people with a hot body and a strong stomach. People with weak stomachs should drink less or make tea less tea and more water.

The warm tea represented by black tea is warm and not dry in nature and less irritating to the stomach and intestines. It is suitable for people with cold stomach, cold hands and feet, and weaker physique. It has a wider range of applications.

Due to the difference in tea characteristics and the changes in the four o'clock, many people have formed the habitual thinking of drinking green tea in summer and black tea in winter, thinking that drinking black tea in summer will get inter fever. This is actually a misunderstanding.

Here we need to clarify the fact that black tea is warm rather than hot. Compared with green tea, it is less irritating to the stomach and intestines. Especially black tea has gone through the process of withering and fermentation, and the coldness of the tea leaves itself has disappeared.

Drinking black tea to get inter fever depends on one's physique on the one hand, and on the other hand the craftsmanship of black tea. Generally speaking, Clear drink tea represented by Jin Jun Mei has the characteristics of "fresh, fragrant, sweet and mellow", and its nature is gentle.

Modern people often have bad habits such as smoking, drinking, staying up late, and staying in an air-conditioned room for a long time in summer, often drinking cold drinks, which leads to diverse and changeable physiques, which are often difficult to simply divide by heat and cold.

To judge whether tea is suitable for you, you might as well see whether the body has symptoms of discomfort after trying it. This is mainly manifested in two aspects: one is gastrointestinal intolerance, which is prone to abdominal (stomach) pain after drinking tea; the other is excessive excitement, Insomnia or dizziness, weakness of hands and feet, light mouth, etc.

If you feel beneficial to your body after trying a certain tea, you can continue to drink it, otherwise you should stop.

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Summer Taste Guideline- Cold brewing tea

In China, because of the obvious temperature changing. The summer and the winter were been divided by three level. When the highest level arrived, temperature continues to stay high, drinking tea to quench thirst is a useful way to cool off the heat, and it is healthier and more effective than cold soft drinks.

However, the traditional method of making tea requires preparation of hot water, tea sets, and various standard. After brewing the tea, the tea must be cooled slightly before drinking. This is not friendly for we business staff while working or going out.

But "Cold brewing tea" is a popular way of brewing without hot water in recent years. You only need to put the tea into cold boiled water or mineral water, and after a certain period of waiting, you can get the color, fragrance and taste. Tea soup.

Cold brewing tea does not require boiling water. Instead, the tea leaves are soaked in plain water or mineral water at room temperature for 2-12 hours. It has the advantages of traditional tea drinking and the convenience of modern beverages. It is popular among office workers, students, drivers and mountaineers.

Compared with hot brewing, cold brewing tea has a lighter tea fragrance but a sweeter taste. When hot brewing, the aroma substances (aldehydes, phenols, etc.) in the tea will quickly decompose when exposed to high temperatures. When brewing with cold water, the fragrance and nutrients in the tea are slowly released.

The contents of tea polyphenols, catechins, caffeine, water extracts and total sugars under high temperature brewing conditions are significantly higher than cold brewing tea, but it does not mean that the number of beneficial components extracted to the human body has decreased.

The theanine and arginine content is the highest when brewed at room temperature, which preserves the original taste and freshness of the tea to the utmost extent, and also reduces the bitterness of the tea when brewed in hot water.

Studies have shown that tea brewed in cold water has higher antioxidant activity than hot tea. Cold brewing tea takes a long time to brew tea, which is conducive to the complete expansion and expansion of the tea, and the beneficial substances in the tea are fully migrated into the tea soup without damaging the cell structure of the tea, so that a tea with more polyphenols can be obtained drink

From the perspective of drinking tea, hot brewing and cold brewing have their own advantages and disadvantages. In the former, the taste of tea is easy to release, especially for some good-quality teas. To feel the difference in the taste, you have to use hot water; to appreciate the color and shape of new tea, of course, you need hot water too.

The superiority of cold brewing tea, of course. First reason is to cool down and relieving heat.

Almost all tea can be used to make cold brew tea. Generally, recommend green teas, oolong teas, some black teas, some white teas and herbal teas.

The biggest feature of black tea is that it is sweet, which is most suitable for cold brewing, but not all black teas are suitable for cold brewing. For example, Lapsang Souchong black tea has too much pine smoke fragrance, it is suitable for hot brewing, Jin Junmei, Fei zi xiao and other Junmei black teas are mainly sweet. Suitable for cold brewing.

To drink cold brewed tea at home, you can steep it with tea leaves and cold water at a ratio of 1:50 and put it in the refrigerator for 4 to 8 hours before drinking. If you want to drink cold brewed tea when you are away, you can buy a bottle of ice mineral water, put in an appropriate amount of tea or tea bags, and the water ratio and steeping time are the same as when drinking at home.

The taste and type of tea depend on personal preference. Cold brewing can reduce the caffeine content of the tea soup and slow down the stimulation of the stomach. Therefore, it is also suitable for people with sensitive physique or weak spleen and stomach.

Although a cold diet is not good for the stomach, there is basically no problem as long as you do not booze before meals or after a lot of exercise. It is better to drink several times in small sips for the usual way of drinking. When conditions permit, it is good to drink cold tea after warming it.

Quench your thirst and cool off the heat, 0 sugar and 0 calories, do it yourself and make it easy to make cold. This summer, cold tea to save!

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Good tea matches Good tea sets.

Good tea matches Good tea sets.

Drinking good tea needs good sets to match.

It’s like seeing beauty in the river when you take a sip of good tea.

And like meeting an old friend when using good tea set.

Gather the beauty of the four seasons in a tea vessel

Adds a touch of freshness to the tea liquid.

Is the best interpretation of a good sip of tea

Tea sets were called "tea utensils" in ancient times, and they were born for drinking tea. In the beginning, due to the extensive tea drinking method, the tea utensils were relatively simple, and they were often mixed with food utensils and wine utensils. With the popularity of tea drinking, tea sets have gradually begun to develop in the direction of professionalism and art. It has become an important part of tea culture.

"Workers must first sharpen their tools if they want to do their jobs well." Water is the mother of tea, and tools are the father of tea. Cooking tea and tasting tea, paying attention to tea sets, has always been the case.

There are many tea utensils in "Dream of Red Mansions". It is written in the book: tea tray, tea cup, tea cup, tea bowl, tea cage, tea nest, teapot, tea stove, tea cup, tea spoon, tea bucket, saucer, saucer, tea hanger , Wind stoves, cover clocks, tea cups, tea grids, tea bowls...various kind.

The ancients were very particular about the utensils for tasting tea.

The tea wares here are rare treasures, which are difficult for modern people to imitate.

In the same way, because of the use of different colored pottery cups or porcelain cups, in addition to the obvious difference in the color of the tea soup, the flavor is also very different. Generally speaking, if you want to accurately grasp the color of tea soup, it is best to use a white porcelain cup. If you want the tea flavor to be fully reflected, the pottery cup is more suitable.

Nowadays, the commonly used white porcelain cups are generally white porcelain cups, which can truly reflect the color of tea soup, have moderate heat transfer and heat preservation, will not chemically react with tea, can obtain better color and fragrance, and are beautiful and exquisite in appearance. Suitable for brewing Jin Jun Mei.

Due to different tea drinking customs and different types of tea, the choice of tea sets is also different. But the general development trend is from complex to simple, from coarse to refined.

There are many times in life that will make you feel impetuous and bored, and drinking tea can slowly calm your mood. A set of pleasing tea sets and poetic cups allow you to see the big world from a small picture. It is as if the water waves and distant mountains are right in front of your eyes.

Tea in the hand is the landscape

In the mouth is life

Pour a cup of tea

Holding a book

Enjoy some delightful tea utensils

Green smoke hovering from the incense burner

Wind blowing from the window

The moss in the intervention room

Isn’t it beautiful?
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