네 가지 차파우더 맛을 포함하고 있습니다: 정산소종 홍차, 황산모봉 녹차, 대홍포 우롱차, 운남 보이 숙차. 저온 동결 건조로 차 향미를 보존하면서 향기의 휘발을 방지할 수 있습니다. 0-100℃의 물 온도에서 녹일 수 있어 언제 어디서나 좋은 차를 마실 수 있습니다. 0설탕 0지방, 건강한 중국 차 한 잔을 즐겨보세요.
원산지: 중국 안후이 황산
유형: 고체 음료
순중량: 40g (0.5g*80스틱)
① 정산소종 홍차 차파우더
(40스틱 포장 / 20스틱 포장)
특징: 용안향, 소나무 향, 풍성한 차탕, 마음을 편함
Origin: Fujian Wuyi Mountain National Nature Reserve
Taste: Longan fragrant is mellow, like a candy in autumn, rich and attractive.
② 황산모봉 녹차 차파우더 (20스틱 포장)
특징: 꽃 향, 콩 향, 상큼한 차탕, 상쾌함
Origin: Huangshan, Anhui
Taste: Fresh and elegant, with a refreshing spring-like feeling, refreshing both physically and mentally.
③ 대홍포 아이스티 차 파우더 (20스틱 포장)
특징: 약초 향이 뚜렷하며 인삼 차와 비슷한 맛. 냉수로 우려내면 맛이 더 좋음
Origin: Wuyi Mountain, Fujian
Taste: A touch of charcoal roasting, stimulate of rock tea, like a hot summer feeling.
-Ripe Pu-erh Tea-
④운남 보이차 차 파우더 (20스틱 포장)
특징: 오래된 향, 나무향, 풍성한 차탕
Origin: Menghai County, Xishuangbanna, Yunnan
Taste: The entrance is sweet, mellow and smooth, and the thick feeling is like a warm quilt in winter.
Size: 285mm*121mm*53mm
Net Weight: 40 Gram (0.5 Gram x 80 Bags)
Contains: Lapsang Souchong Black Tea 0.5g*20, Huangshan Maofeng Green Tea 0.5g*20, Da Hong Pao Rock Tea 0.5g*20, Ripe Pu-erh Tea 0.5g*20.
Type: Solid drink.
How to brew
1. Pour 0.5g of instant tea powder into a cup or mug.
2. Add 350ml of warm/cold water, stir to dissolve and enjoy.
4. You can also add ice cubes or sugar milk to make milk tea, tea jelly, cakes, etc.
Different from the ground tea powder of matcha, the production process of freeze-dried instant tea powder is more complicated, it is more scientific, healthy and standard:
1. Preparation of raw materials: Zhengshantang has two kind of Lapsang Souchong, traditional crafts (royal black tea, Bense, 8310, etc.) and innovative crafts (Wild tea, Feizixiao, 1568, 1604 etc.), we choose the traditional crafts of Lapsang Souchong . There are fewer and fewer companies producing traditional Lapsang Souchong. We hope that through our own efforts, more people can enjoy this flavor easily.
2. Low-temperature leaching: First, the tea soup is leached. In this step, we are faced with two choices. If hot water is used for leaching, the concentration of the tea soup is high, and more tea powder can be obtained. If low temperature cold water leaching (8-12 hours at 0-10°C), the concentration of tea soup is low, and the obtained tea powder is less. We know that many customers like iced drinks, so they choose to use cold water to leaching tea soup. The tea powder produced in this way will be completely dissolved by adding water and stirring at room temperature.
3. Extremely fast freeze-drying: After the leached tea soup is filtered and other processes in the sterile workshop, it is dehydrated and freeze-dried at a temperature of minus 40°C through a special ultra-fast freeze-drying equipment. No additives are added in the whole process, and the final tea The powder is healthier and safer, and can retain the aroma of the original leaf tea. It can be completely dissolved by adding water and stirring at room temperature, and there will be no graininess or turbidity. Hot and cold drinks can be made by adding hot water and ice cubes according to personal preference.
4. Aseptic bagging: Because the tea powder particles are too small and easy to get wet, we designed a special 0.5g small bag, which is bagged and sealed in the aseptic canning workshop. With one bag and one cup, you no longer have to worry about the utensils, water temperature, and amount of tea to make tea. Add tea and water, dissolve in 3s.
5. Plastic packaging: The packaging of Lapsang Souchong tea powder continues our classic design. Tranquility Chashan, Wuyi Sunrise, Tea-making Qinglou and the birthplace of Lapsang Souchong form a complete package cover. The built-in iron box is sturdy and portable. , It is very convenient to put a box in the backpack when traveling or playing.

Get a cup of tea in 10s
1. Pour 0.5g of instant tea powder into a cup or mug
2. Add 350ml of warm/cold water, stir to dissolve and enjoy.
3. The amount of water injected and the water temperature can be adjusted according to individual needs.
4. You can also add ice cubes or sugar milk to make milk tea, tea jelly, cakes, etc.

“A tea suit for traveling, working and meeting”

400 Years black tea making craft + Modern freeze-drying and cold extraction process

Net Weight:20 Gram(0.5 Gram x 40 Bags)
Tea Origin:Wuyi Mountain, Fujian, China
Shape:Fine granulated tea powder
Soup:Red and Bright
Taste:Longan fragrance, pine wood fragrance, the entrance is mellow and refreshing
Black Green Oolong Pu'er Instant Tea Powder 0.5g*80

Size: 285mm*121mm*53mm
Net Weight: 40 Gram (0.5 Gram x 80 Bags)
Contains: Lapsang Souchong Black Tea 0.5g*20, Huangshan Maofeng Green Tea 0.5g*20, Dahongpao Oolong Tea 0.5g*20, Ripe Pu-erh Tea 0.5g*20
Type: Solid drink

Black Tea
Lapsang Souchong

Pu'er Tea
Ripe Puer Tea

Green Tea
Huangshan Maofeng

Oolong Tea

Make a cup of splendid tea you like